Standard 1.1 Shared Vision
Candidates facilitate the development and implementation of a shared vision for the use of technology in teaching, learning, and leadership.
(PSC 1.1/ISTE 1a)
(PSC 1.1/ISTE 1a)
Vision Statement
The artifact I choose for this standard is my vision statement I created for my EDL 7510 –Technology Leadership and Vision class. This assignment required me to develop a vision statement that reflected the types of technology I hope to see in schools in the near future. For this project, I researched various sources in relation to school stakeholders in their role in the increased use of technology in the classroom. In reviewing these sources and trends in education, I compiled a vision which develops local strategic initiatives in the school focusing on the use of technology in teaching, learning and leadership.
To facilitate and the development of this shared vision statement, I must understand the needs of the students and stakeholders of the school community. As our school and our School Governance Council works to develop the school’s strategic plan, there are several focal points which are rigor, relevance and technology integration. As we work to develop our students to become critical thinkers, problem solvers and self- directed learners, technology is a major focus for the school and district. As a technology leader for the school, I must understand the role of students, teachers and school in implementing an engaging learning environment. This is reflected in the vision statement. Teachers are responsible for the change in instruction; school administration must be supportive in this shift. Both teachers and administration must facilitate the processes to implement this change in instruction. School support must include professional development and resources to facilitate the school’s strategic plan. Schools, parents and communities must unite together to make the usage of authentic, seamless technology integration a common vision.
In developing this statement and reflecting on its importance and as the use of technology in education, I feel this is a living document because technology use in the classroom is involving. Teachers and stakeholders must be understanding and open to this consistent change.
The work completing this artifact will impact school improvement through various ways. The impact can be measured through the use of technology in instruction in all content areas which are reflective of transformative learning. Additionally it provides a clear vision on technology integration at our school. As our School Governance Council develops a strategic plan, this vision will help drive those changes by articulating our shared goals. This impact can be accessed through changes in our school strategic plan.
The artifact I choose for this standard is my vision statement I created for my EDL 7510 –Technology Leadership and Vision class. This assignment required me to develop a vision statement that reflected the types of technology I hope to see in schools in the near future. For this project, I researched various sources in relation to school stakeholders in their role in the increased use of technology in the classroom. In reviewing these sources and trends in education, I compiled a vision which develops local strategic initiatives in the school focusing on the use of technology in teaching, learning and leadership.
To facilitate and the development of this shared vision statement, I must understand the needs of the students and stakeholders of the school community. As our school and our School Governance Council works to develop the school’s strategic plan, there are several focal points which are rigor, relevance and technology integration. As we work to develop our students to become critical thinkers, problem solvers and self- directed learners, technology is a major focus for the school and district. As a technology leader for the school, I must understand the role of students, teachers and school in implementing an engaging learning environment. This is reflected in the vision statement. Teachers are responsible for the change in instruction; school administration must be supportive in this shift. Both teachers and administration must facilitate the processes to implement this change in instruction. School support must include professional development and resources to facilitate the school’s strategic plan. Schools, parents and communities must unite together to make the usage of authentic, seamless technology integration a common vision.
In developing this statement and reflecting on its importance and as the use of technology in education, I feel this is a living document because technology use in the classroom is involving. Teachers and stakeholders must be understanding and open to this consistent change.
The work completing this artifact will impact school improvement through various ways. The impact can be measured through the use of technology in instruction in all content areas which are reflective of transformative learning. Additionally it provides a clear vision on technology integration at our school. As our School Governance Council develops a strategic plan, this vision will help drive those changes by articulating our shared goals. This impact can be accessed through changes in our school strategic plan.