Standard 1.2 Strategic Planning
Candidates facilitate the design, development, implementation, communication, and evaluation of technology-infused strategic plans. (PSC 1.2/ISTE 1b)
The artifact that I selected to represent this standard was the Technology Evaluation and Action Plan I produced for ITEC 7410- Technology Leadership & Vision in Schools. This assignment required me to first complete a SWOT analysis of my current school setting. Based upon the results of this analysis, in conjunction with my school’s technology plan, I was then to design and develop a technology-infused strategic plan for my specific school setting. As my school district and school have become a charter school district we are now allowed some flexibility in how our school operates. At the same time, our district is moving further and further along in full technology integration into instruction and student learning. I focused on areas in which our school is building a strategic vision and part of our RFF(Request or Flexibility) which focus on increasing rigor in instruction and learning and ways to enhance instruction with the support of technology tools and processes. The goals for these areas were as follows: 1. Teachers will design and implement a technology-based authentic learning task k for students that incorporates student use of higher-order thinking skills, 2. Teachers will design student-centered learning activities where students use technology to collaborate and produce products to show mastery of state standards, 3. Teachers shifted their classrooms to support a student centered focus and are making progress towards personalizing learning for students via rigorous and differentiated learning activities, 4. Teachers shifted their classrooms to support a student centered focus and are making progress towards personalizing learning integrating project based learning via rigorous and differentiated learning activities, and 5. Develop a school-wide vision and action plan for meaningful technology integration at our school that aligns with the Fulton County Technology Plan and the School Strategic Plan. All five of these goals across all students and faculty members and would optimally benefit student learning in a positive manner.
By conducting the Needs Assessment, I was able to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats based on our current reality. Based on identified weaknesses, I developed an Action and Evaluation Plan to guide my school through the process of meeting our goals. I collaborated with my school’s leadership and technology team to determine goals would we need to set to meet the vision we have in place for our school and as part of the RFF. After developing the plan, it will be facilitated and implemented through various teacher-training sessions as well as through modeling and co-teaching experiences. The goals and methods that would be used to meet these goals would be communicated with the faculty through our Guiding Coalition and grade level meetings. Professional development sessions will occur during content planning, preplanning and throughout the next school year. These strategies and the methodologies necessary to attain mastery of these goals will be able to be evaluated through observation, checking of lesson plans, and even through formal and informal teacher observations..
What I learned through the completion of this artifact is that this is a strategic way to best analyze a school’s current plans and goals. By examining what is already in place at a school, you can identify additional needs and determine best practices that can be used to meet those needs. When I complete this activity again in the future, I look towards leadership at the school more to drive the completion of the survey. The input from additional faculty members could provide greater insight in the needs of my school from PK-12 grades.
This Needs Assessment and Action Plan will impact school improvement, faculty development, and student learning. The Action Plan includes many professional development sessions designed to assist staff in creating meaningful learning experiences for students. These experiences will enhance student learning at my school. The plan will impact school improvement by outing and driving the path in our school community common goal of increasing rigor in instruction and developing personalized learning through the use of technology integration. The impact of this plan will be assessed by the evaluation measures outlined in the Action Plan and by feedback from the school community regarding school progress toward our goals.
The artifact that I selected to represent this standard was the Technology Evaluation and Action Plan I produced for ITEC 7410- Technology Leadership & Vision in Schools. This assignment required me to first complete a SWOT analysis of my current school setting. Based upon the results of this analysis, in conjunction with my school’s technology plan, I was then to design and develop a technology-infused strategic plan for my specific school setting. As my school district and school have become a charter school district we are now allowed some flexibility in how our school operates. At the same time, our district is moving further and further along in full technology integration into instruction and student learning. I focused on areas in which our school is building a strategic vision and part of our RFF(Request or Flexibility) which focus on increasing rigor in instruction and learning and ways to enhance instruction with the support of technology tools and processes. The goals for these areas were as follows: 1. Teachers will design and implement a technology-based authentic learning task k for students that incorporates student use of higher-order thinking skills, 2. Teachers will design student-centered learning activities where students use technology to collaborate and produce products to show mastery of state standards, 3. Teachers shifted their classrooms to support a student centered focus and are making progress towards personalizing learning for students via rigorous and differentiated learning activities, 4. Teachers shifted their classrooms to support a student centered focus and are making progress towards personalizing learning integrating project based learning via rigorous and differentiated learning activities, and 5. Develop a school-wide vision and action plan for meaningful technology integration at our school that aligns with the Fulton County Technology Plan and the School Strategic Plan. All five of these goals across all students and faculty members and would optimally benefit student learning in a positive manner.
By conducting the Needs Assessment, I was able to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats based on our current reality. Based on identified weaknesses, I developed an Action and Evaluation Plan to guide my school through the process of meeting our goals. I collaborated with my school’s leadership and technology team to determine goals would we need to set to meet the vision we have in place for our school and as part of the RFF. After developing the plan, it will be facilitated and implemented through various teacher-training sessions as well as through modeling and co-teaching experiences. The goals and methods that would be used to meet these goals would be communicated with the faculty through our Guiding Coalition and grade level meetings. Professional development sessions will occur during content planning, preplanning and throughout the next school year. These strategies and the methodologies necessary to attain mastery of these goals will be able to be evaluated through observation, checking of lesson plans, and even through formal and informal teacher observations..
What I learned through the completion of this artifact is that this is a strategic way to best analyze a school’s current plans and goals. By examining what is already in place at a school, you can identify additional needs and determine best practices that can be used to meet those needs. When I complete this activity again in the future, I look towards leadership at the school more to drive the completion of the survey. The input from additional faculty members could provide greater insight in the needs of my school from PK-12 grades.
This Needs Assessment and Action Plan will impact school improvement, faculty development, and student learning. The Action Plan includes many professional development sessions designed to assist staff in creating meaningful learning experiences for students. These experiences will enhance student learning at my school. The plan will impact school improvement by outing and driving the path in our school community common goal of increasing rigor in instruction and developing personalized learning through the use of technology integration. The impact of this plan will be assessed by the evaluation measures outlined in the Action Plan and by feedback from the school community regarding school progress toward our goals.