2.7 Assessment
Candidates model and facilitate the effective use of diagnostic, formative, and summative assessments to measure student learning and technology literacy, including the use of digital assessment tools and resources. (PSC 2.7/ISTE 2g)
Data Inventory
Data Inventory
The Data Inventory was completed as an assignment in ITEC 7305: Data Analysis and School Improvement. For this assignment, I collaborated with our Data Support Specialist (DSS) to list all the data sources available in our school. Once I compiled the completed list, I examined the current uses of data and recommended further use in order to use data more effectively at our school. I gathered various types of data including diagnostic, formative and summative assessments. Additionally in gathering this data, I had to ensure I looked for various types of data which measure student learning and technology literacy. After gathering the data, I reviewed the current uses of the data and determine if there could be more effective use of the data.
In completing this assignment, I was able to validate my belief my school does a very good job in collecting data and using the data to drive instruction. As a member of my school’s Guiding Coalition, Grade Level and Content Professional Learning Community, the use of this data inventory including the diagnostic, formative, and summative assessments drives many of our conversation. Our many of our formative and all summative assessment are entered and scored through our districts assessment tool, which allow easy data analysis. In looking at data, the teams identify trends and areas for growth within our school in order to make recommendations to grade level data teams. It is through the effective data uses of our school’s PLCs which have an impact on student learning and instruction.
In completing the inventory, I realized our 8th grade students take the Iowa Basic Skills Test (ITBS) and the data is not used at all for instruction and learning. As this year will be the first year in the administration of the Georgia Milestone test, this assessment will not be used as justification in promotion/retention.
We are at the beginning of use technology to deliver assessments such as STAR testing and summative assessments. However, our school presenting does not gather data on student technology literacy and should be information our school should be gathering as we move to a 1:1 community. This is an item I added to my wish list on the Data Inventory. As we move to more personalized learning I feel online portfolios of student work reflecting mastery of standards should be data our school collects. If we aware all student learn differently then we should assess their knowledge in a variety of ways instead of just standardized assessments.
The review of data inventory of our school is a measurement of school improvement as the tools is reflective of the availability of data which drives instruction and how it serves our school community. Reviewing the data inventory and uses at our school has an impact on student learning and school improvement. The effective use of assessment data improves faculty development through the improvement of instruction in student learning. This can be measure through continue higher student achievement outlined in the assessment data.
The Data Inventory was completed as an assignment in ITEC 7305: Data Analysis and School Improvement. For this assignment, I collaborated with our Data Support Specialist (DSS) to list all the data sources available in our school. Once I compiled the completed list, I examined the current uses of data and recommended further use in order to use data more effectively at our school. I gathered various types of data including diagnostic, formative and summative assessments. Additionally in gathering this data, I had to ensure I looked for various types of data which measure student learning and technology literacy. After gathering the data, I reviewed the current uses of the data and determine if there could be more effective use of the data.
In completing this assignment, I was able to validate my belief my school does a very good job in collecting data and using the data to drive instruction. As a member of my school’s Guiding Coalition, Grade Level and Content Professional Learning Community, the use of this data inventory including the diagnostic, formative, and summative assessments drives many of our conversation. Our many of our formative and all summative assessment are entered and scored through our districts assessment tool, which allow easy data analysis. In looking at data, the teams identify trends and areas for growth within our school in order to make recommendations to grade level data teams. It is through the effective data uses of our school’s PLCs which have an impact on student learning and instruction.
In completing the inventory, I realized our 8th grade students take the Iowa Basic Skills Test (ITBS) and the data is not used at all for instruction and learning. As this year will be the first year in the administration of the Georgia Milestone test, this assessment will not be used as justification in promotion/retention.
We are at the beginning of use technology to deliver assessments such as STAR testing and summative assessments. However, our school presenting does not gather data on student technology literacy and should be information our school should be gathering as we move to a 1:1 community. This is an item I added to my wish list on the Data Inventory. As we move to more personalized learning I feel online portfolios of student work reflecting mastery of standards should be data our school collects. If we aware all student learn differently then we should assess their knowledge in a variety of ways instead of just standardized assessments.
The review of data inventory of our school is a measurement of school improvement as the tools is reflective of the availability of data which drives instruction and how it serves our school community. Reviewing the data inventory and uses at our school has an impact on student learning and school improvement. The effective use of assessment data improves faculty development through the improvement of instruction in student learning. This can be measure through continue higher student achievement outlined in the assessment data.